4th of July Bonfire

Entertainment & Thrills Jun 30, 2023

In my true fashion, nothing is done just 10% - it's always 110%, and this was no exception. All 15 people had a great time over at my parents' house where we had a HUGE bonfire, an off-road golf cart, s'mores, corn hole, dinner on the grill and fireworks.

The wood pile was about 20 feet in diameter, and 10 feet tall or so. We did have additional pallets and a Christmas tree as well, but the pile was already so tall we couldn't throw anything else on it safely - so instead we made a pile next to the pile.

All in all, we had lots of friends a family there, even neighbors too! It was a great night and one to remember for sure. Also, I started the fire using a Roman candle. Pretty creative if you ask me lol. See the video below!



William Montgomery

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