Work, work and more work!

Business & Career Apr 16, 2023

Just an update on life - I figured I'd document this crazy couple of weeks. As you may know, I work in IT for a large company with about 9,500 employees. We have about 55 offices, 10 of which are in my state. Recently, my team has been experiencing increased attrition, which has resulted in increased workload for those of us who are left. My schedule for April looks like this:

Week 1 - vacation
Week 2 -
 Monday: 6:30am-3:30pm at office 1
 Tuesday: 8am-5pm at office 2
 Wednesday: 8am-5pm at office 3
 Thursday: 8am-5pm at office 3
 Friday: 7:30am-8:45pm at office 4 (an hour away from home)
 Saturday: 8am-5pm at office 4
Week 3 -
 Monday: 7:30am-6:30pm at office 4
 Tuesday: 7:30am-6:30pm at office 2
 Wednesday: 7:30am-6:30pm at office 3
 Thursday: 7:30am-6:30pm at office 2
 Friday: off work, start of another vacation
Week 4 -
 Monday: last day of vacation
 Tuesday: 12:30pm-5pm at office 2, 5pm-9:30pm at office 5
 Wednesday: 8am-5pm at office 3
 Thursday: 8am-5pm at office 4
 Friday: 8am-5pm at office 3

Needless to say I'm exhausted as I'm writing this lol. Clearly this isn't sustainable, but I've taken the opportunity for some overtime as I'm compensated hourly, also in hopes of a raise in the near future. Time to get back to the grind!


William Montgomery

The owner of this site :)

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