Who Am I?

Hey there! My name is William Montgomery. Put openly - I'm a huge nerd aspiring to learn everything by the time it's irrelevant. I have particular interests in aviation and technology, with the majority of my experience in the latter. I am especially passionate in understanding how things work from a technological perspective, which drives me to research and innovate how people interact with technology on a daily basis.

Being humbled by my accomplishments, I don't take kindly to roadblocks or red tape. Living most of my life with a 'get it done' mindset means I grind away at my projects tirelessly - sometimes without necessarily thinking about the time or effort required to complete large tasks, but purely out of passion.

I'm especially familiar with (and advocate for) things like the Human Rights Campaign, digital safety/security, and environmental protection efforts such as renewable resources.

My core values are respect, integrity, curiosity, and trustworthiness.

Some of my hobbies include skiing, sight seeing, traveling, flying, photography, and learning.

Portrait of William at a park, sitting on a rock

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